A friend of mine had the phrase 'sewing for my sanity' for her
sewing blog, and I kept thinking of it all weekend long. Between sick children, potty training, night feeding, doctor's visits, and just general spring haywire-ness, I have definitely been turning to my sewing machine for my sanity. And I am pleased to report that several lovely items have resulted from this therapy...
Toile Love

I have finally cut and sewn with my Anna Maria Horner Good Folks Toile. It is a bit tricky to work with at first because it is like AIR, or as Anna Maria Horner put it, like BUTTER, but boy, the results are wonderful. I turned first to a favorite pattern from Oliver + S -- the
Swingset Tunic. I have already made Coco
two of
these, and now she has a Toile version. Every time I make this I feel like I perfect my sewing techniques a little more. But that is true of all the Oliver + S patterns, they are so educational!

With some of the leftovers, I made myself a quick scarf. I've seen several nice scarfs out of this fabric, and I am pleased with mine, except I may redo the edging - some thrifted home decor tassels -- I sewed it flat, but I might try and sew the edging on in a circle, making the scarf just a tube. Seems like it might be lighter...
Little things
I have a knitting project ready for finishing that I can't share yet... but I am so far very happy with the results! Knit most often while watching episodes of Northern Exposure. Love that show :)

And I just finished another
Kingpod bonnet, in the Baby size, for a friend's baby we'll be meeting in Phoenix later this week. I used some nice Japanese sunflower fabric from our local sew/vac Odegaard's. It is so sunny and lovely, and I thought this little chica needed something sunny since she is only visiting Phoenix and is actually from Anchorage Alaska!
Finally, I made another kitchen mitt for a young lady who was the recipient of my
Kid Chef Kit donated for LUNAFEST earlier this year. She declared that she needed a mitt for each hand. Nothing like getting good feedback, and since I had some leftover fabric, I got right on that and even added her initial to this one!